Links to Off-Site Articles & Related Websites


How Many Vegetarians Are There? An excerpted article from Vegetarian Journal on the Vegetarian Resource Group site discussing the numbers from recent polls, with a key point being that the percentage varies depending on how the term "vegetarian" is defined.
- Chet Day's Health & Beyond. Willing to have his beliefs challenged and enthusiastic enough to play guinea pig on occasion, Chet Day offers a smorgasbord of ideas and approaches for the more adventuresome-minded vegetarian. With plenty of feedback from readers plus his own writing on all sorts of topics, even when you find yourself unable to agree on a given issue, the effect of Chet's previous life as a novelist and pure talent for prose pour through to slake your thirst for the entertainingly written word.
- Humans Are Omnivores. A vegetarian, primatologist, and comparative anatomist with a Ph.D. in the field summarizes the evidence indicating that humans are natural omnivores, in correcting a typical vegetarian myth. (From the VRG site.)
- Book Review: Fasting and Eating for Health. Carl Phillips, former leader of the Sci-Veg Project (now defunct) weighs in on the pros and cons of Natural Hygiene doctor Joel Fuhrman, M.D.'s 1995 book, frowning at length over the cons. While an apt and powerful critique was put together here about why vegetarian alternatives that might be worthwhile may fall short of scientifically convincing rigor, the dour attitude permeating what is as much a Sci-Veg soapbox as a review will be likely to alienate those who could most benefit from taking its object lessons to heart. Joel Fuhrman's rebuttal is also available in response to the critique.

- Global Raw: NOTE--Site not in service at present. We are retaining the description below as the site may return to service in the future.

Site by a formerly raw vegan individual who became malnourished on the diet and now advocates giving up beliefs in favor of "what works." The approach is often mystical/new-age, which will delight some and exasperate others, but there are some interesting points here. Oriented to those who may be seeking to integrate a newly non-vegetarian lifestyle into a perspective that honors oneness with the web of life.

Paleolithic Diet-oriented
- The Paleolithic Diet Page. Easily the internet's most comprehensive jumping-off point for links to pages around the net exploring paleolithic diet. We'd list a lot more paleo links ourselves on Beyond Veg, but there's no need with this site keeping watch.
Evolution, Diet, and Health, by S. Boyd Eaton and Stanley B. Eaton III. Recent (1998) perspectives and implications of the evolution of human diet plus corroborative modern biochemical findings, from the pioneer of modern paleodiet research.
- Interview of paleodiet researcher Loren Cordain by nutritionist Robert Crayhon. Titled "The Paleolithic Diet and Its Modern Implications," this wide-ranging yet incisive series of on-target questions and responses unearths a number of informational nuggets from relatively late-breaking research not seen elsewhere.

On the high-carb/low-fat vs. high-protein/low-carb debate
- The World's Biggest Fad Diet. Cogent overview of peer-reviewed papers in the scientific literature questioning the reigning low-fat dogma, both as to healthiness regarding cancer, heart disease, and diabetes risk; and as to effectiveness in weight loss.
- Eating--Is Anything Reasonable? A well-written article on the Zone Home site slicing through the "conventional wisdom" about low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets, which a gathering tide of recent research is increasingly calling into question. From the myths about fats, to the negative effect on blood lipids stemming from overeating starches and simple carbohydrates, to the role of much-maligned protein. Clear views, clearly stated and well-documented.

Humor, jokes, and cartoons
- Boulder Vegetable Rights Association home page. Laugh your fool head off at these clever parodies and spoofs. (We did.) You'll be quite relieved to know, too, as we were, that "no electrons were harmed during the production of [the BVRA] web."
- The Pathetic Veg*an Joke Page. Jokes that alternately laugh with, and at, vegetarianism (both pro and con). Contains links to other vegetarian joke pages as well.
- Vegetarian Cartoons. A collection of vegetarian cartoons from the same individual who brings us the Pathetic Veg*an Joke Page.
- Paul's Century 21 Miracle Diet!!! Yes, it's the cure for all acute and chronic diseases ever known to humankind, and probably ones not even discovered yet. Even better, it's the answer we've all wanted to hear all along anyway: Yes, now you can Just Eat Junk and everything will be a-okay. And it's just got to be true because, well, because Paul says so. Pity the poor souls who take this message seriously, though--but gosh darn, the sales pitch DOES sound SO much like the claims for that very diet you're probably following even as we speak.
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